SINGLETARY | Singletary of Brinks 675R
$50.00 + GST
S: Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 | D: Ms Brinks Uppercut 209N11 | DOB: 15 Jan 2005
Notes: One of the best selling sires of all time. Sons and daughters have tremendous eye-appeal and performance. Use him while you still can! 3/4 Related to Csonka.
Make sure to check out his USA data. Singletary is ranked in the top 15% for Yearling Weight, REA (muscling) and IMF (marbling) and top 10% for Scrotal.
Australian Brangus Cattle Association Profile including 50K DNA profile
Breeding Tips by Telpara –
Singletary is a 3/4 brother to Csonka. He was perhaps more attractive and sold for much more money. Worth another look.